Thesis editing

Laura Black Edits offers proofreading and copyediting for postgraduate students completing their studies

Thesis editing

Your doctoral or masters thesis is nearly ready to submit, you’ve done all the research, developed your ideas, completed your chapters but you are really stressed about how to actually finish the thesis and make sure it’s as good as it can be. That’s where I come in, I’ll make sure that it meets the guidelines set out by your university’s research department, assist with the requirements of your referencing system and I’ll give you advice if there is anything you’ve overlooked.

I will also provide you with support and reassurance so that you can complete this enormous project and still have your self-esteem intact. Sometimes it just needs formatting. You might not know much about auto-numbering your headings so they run consecutively and ‘automagically’ throughout the whole document. You might not know how to set up a style sheet or how to format your figures and tables so they are big enough to see but don’t hold so much memory that your thesis becomes unwieldy. I can assist to ensure your document is ready to submit.

I have over fifteen years’ experience in copyediting and proofreading academic materials and theses. I have worked at both the University of Queensland and the University of Southern Queensland in a range of roles, including over ten years as a Production Editor at UQ. I specialise in the creative arts and humanities, but have experience in many other disciplines, including linguistics, education, and economics, with recent clients from UniSQ, QUT and RMIT.

I have worked extensively with students for whom English is another language and am able to provide suggestions and support with academic English. My services follow the guidelines set out by the national IPEd Standing Committee on Academic Editing, which in 2018 revised the guidelines for editing research theses.

Each thesis is individual, but tasks might include:

  • formatting a thesis for submission, according to your University’s guidelines

  • creating preliminary pages, including a table of contents, lists of figures and tables, and formatting your appendices

  • cross checking in-text references against a reference list

  • making suggestions regarding grammar, syntax, spelling, clarity and flow

  • preparing a thesis for submission, as required.

For more information or to enquire about a project, contact me via email.

  • I can provide an obligation free quote, based on a sample edit of a small section of your thesis. As a guide, copyediting a 75,000 word thesis to be ready to submit will cost around $2,000.